Zoning Projects Under Review

Projects Under Review for Variances

For current month meeting schedules and agendas, see the MEETINGS tab


550 W. Willow Grove Avenue - Wissahickon Skating Club

RSD-1 - For additions accessory to an existing structure for a rear addition
and roof deck addition at the second floor level of the existing structure. 

DRC Application

Existing Conditions
Site Plan
Zoning Plan
Elevation - Roof Deck
Plans - Roof Deck
Elevation - Locker Room Addition
Plans - Locker Room Addition
Aerial Maps


GREYLOCK - 209 W. Chestnut Hill Avenue
UPDATE as of 8/12/2024: The hearing was not completed on March 27. A resumption hearing was held on JUNE 25, 2024 9:30 am.
A second resumption hearing with the ZBA is scheduled for Wednesday, AUGUST. 28, 3:30 pm.

UPDATE as of 8/28/24: The ZBA hearing process was still not completed. Another resumption hearing was called for by the ZBA.

UPDATE as of 10/22/24: The final resumption hearing was held on Ocotber 22. The ZBA did not issue a decision. It asked the attorneys for the applicant and the neighbors to submit their closing statements in writing, due by Nov. 1. They will then take the matter into executive session and announce their decision. The date for this announcement was not stated but is likely to be before Thanksgiving.

Updated presentation for March 7, 2024
Updated Presentation for Feb. 19, 2024
Presentation - All in one PDF
DRC Application
Updated Refusal

This project will be reviewed at the following meetings:

Oct. 17 DRC 7:00 pm meeting
Nov. 2 HDAC  (CH Conservancy) 6:30pm meeting
Nov. 2 LUPZC 8:00 pm
February 19 7:00 pm combined DRC/LUPZ meeting

March 7, 2024 at about 8:30 pm. This is a combined meeting of the DRC and LUPZ committees and will be held via Zoom.
March 14, 2024 - CHCA Board meeting, 7:00 pm via zoom

ZBA Hearing Dec. 13, 2023, 2:00 PM 
The applicant was granted a continuance by the ZBA. 
The ZBA  hearing date will be March 27, 2024, 2:00 pm.
UPDATE as of 8/12/2024: The hearing was not completed on March 27. A resumption hearing was held on JUNE 25, 2024 9:30 am.
A second resumption hearing with the ZBA is scheduled for Wednesday, AUGUST. 28, 3:30 pm.
UPDATE as of 9/16/2024: A third resumption hearing with the ZBA has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 22, 9:30 am.
To attend ZBA hearings: ZBA 


7918 Ardleigh Street  - Application for Visitor Accommodations
UPDATE as of 8/12/2024: The ZBA appeal for variance for use for Visitor Accommodation was withdrawn by the applicant. On June 7, 2024, a permit granting limited lodging was granted instead. This allows for short-term rentals of under 30 days but requires an owner or manager to live on site.

DRC Application

The CHCA opposed granting this variance for Visitor Accommodation (Short Term Rental under 31 days).
The ZBA hearing was held on March 6, 2024, 2:00pm. The ZBA denied the variance. 
The applicant has until April 6 to appeal that decision. As of April 13, the ZBA calendar had no record of an appeal being filed. The calendar may not have been updated yet.

Non-Variance Projects Under Community Discussion


Projects Under Appeal
10 Bethlehem Pike - Appeal of by-right permit for 5-story mixed use building on old Sunoco site.
By-right decision was appealed by CHCA and affected neighbors; ZBA heard appeal on Nov. 30, 2021 and denied the appeal; On Dec. 29, 2021, CHCA and neighbors appealed the ZBA decision; appeal went to the Court of Common Pleas and the court supported the appeal in a decision issued on September 13, 2022.
UPDATE as of 8/12/24: On June 4, 2024, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania reversed the lower court decision. CHCA and neighbors have appealed the Commonwealth Court decision to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Archived Projects
30 W. Highland Ave.
215. E, Evergreen Ave